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Review: Boarding House Reach, Jack White (2018)

Jack White’s most recent recording effort, Boarding House Reach (2018), seamlessly blends the sounds that White has honed over his long career, while also breaking new ground for the tenured artist.

The result: another classic piece for White’s already impressive discography.

Most might know White for his most successful duet, The White Stripes, which has been a big influence on his solo work since the band dissolved in 2011.

The new record, released late last month, pairs the garage and blues-inspired rock which made White famous with a more electric, alien-sounding synthesizer, expanded from its use on White’s last effort, Lazaretto.

In fact, I would say the entire album has the space rock feel of a Steve Miller album, and the use of the instruments is reminiscent of some of Michael Jackson's earlier work, which White cited as an influence on the writing process of the album.

This sound White has achieved allows for expanded musical possibilities that the classic duet of drums and guitar simply can’t reach, and for the most part, White’s lyrics are strong enough to keep pace with the powerful instrumentation.

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