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4 Things Doane Students Need To Know About the New Counseling Center

1) Tucked away opposite of the safety office in Padour-Walker, the unnumbered rooms are easy to miss. While this is a benefit to a certain degree, invoking a much more private atmosphere, if you don't know where to go, the office can be easy to overlook. Take an immediate left once you enter Padour-Walker, and you can't miss it.

2) There is a first-of-its-kind group for counseling interpersonal violence that will begin shortly. The groups focus will be on Interpersonal violence and is headed by new counseling intern Alison Downs.

3) The privacy in the new space is unparalleled compared to the older area that the counselors occupied, especially Kristal, who was located in the College to Career Center. She said that the access to students that location gave her was nice, but the area wasn't exactly the most private.

4)The Hope Crisis Center will be on campus every Wednesday, offering further support to students who might need it.

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